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Publications 2017

# 21 (120), 2017 Resilent schools: high achievements in socially disadvantaged surroundings (Full text in Russian (.pdf))
Authors: M. Pinskaya, T. кHavenson, T. Chirkina, A. Mikhailova


Empirical base

Methodological framework of the research

Admission practices

Parents’ involvement in the educational process

Work with different groups of students

Expectations and requirements of the school

“Burnout” and enthusiasm of teachers


The information bulletin on the results of a quality survey in schools conducted in the framework of the Monitoring of education markets and organizations presents data on the
features of educational policy of education institutions working in difficult social conditions and demonstrating high academic achievements. This work continues the study of the functioning conditions, management and educational strategies of different groups of schools (urban, rural, schools implementing advanced programmes, private, etc.) that was initiated in 2015.In this bulletin the authors describe the internal context of schools that differ in the number of students, educational programs, territories, but implement close strategies that enable them to provide students from families with limited economic and cultural resources a quality education and the chances for successful socialization. Such schools are defined by the authors as "resilient", i.e. stable with respect to factors of external well-being. The study of their experience is extremely important for solving the problem of educational inequality. This work continued the series of monitoring studies in the field of the economics of education conducted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics since 2002



1. Educational strategies: admission, training, conditions of implementation, graduation
At the admission stage:
1.1. Educational programmes structure
1.2. Admission dynamics and educational level of entrants
Conditions of education activity:
1.3. Organization of methodical work
1.4. Improvement of educational programmes
1.5. Endowment and use of laboratory equipment
1.6. Cooperation with employers
Educational strategies at the graduation stage:
1.7. Employability of graduates
1.8. Professional skills and competencies demanded from graduates for employment
2. Economic policy of education institutions
2.1. Income and expenses of institutions
2.2. Change in financial conditions of education institutions’ activities
3. Personnel policy
3.1. Personnel structure, organization of its further training, hiring of new teachers and vocational training instructors
3.2. Labor remuneration of teachers and vocational training instructors
4. Attitude to innovations and measures of educational policy and results of their implementation
4.1. Opportunity of implementing a dual training model
4.2. Attitude and procedure of preparing for participation in WorldSkills championships
4.3. Assessment of selected measures, projects and programmes  within the framework of the state policy on the development of vocational education in Russia

Information bulletin “Education institutions implementing secondary vocational education programmes on the market of educational services” continues the series of publications on the outcomes of the Project “Monitoring education markets and organizations” implemented by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.The opinion of the heads and their changes in the key activity of education institutions that implement programmes of secondary vocational education

 # 19 (118), 2017 Participation of parents in school education: choices, opportunities, involvement) (Full text in Russian (.pdf)) 
AUTHOR: N. BysikN. Evstigneyeva, S. Kosaretsky, Мarina Pinskaya



1.     Empirical base
2.     Accessibility of education
2.1. Choice of an educational institution
2.2. Selection of schoolchildren upon admission to school
2.3. Accessibility of additional educational programs at school
2.4. Family spending on education
3.     Parents’ involvement in education

The information bulletin ‘Participation of parents in school education: choices, opportunities, involvement’ continues a series of publications of the National Research University Higher School of Economics on the results of monitoring of education markets and organizations. The bulletin presents the analysis of data of schoolchildren’s parents survey collected in the framework of the 14th   wave of the monitoring in 2016-2017. The accessibility of education (possibility of choosing a school, selection upon admission and transition from one education level to another one, coverage by additional education) is analyzed on the basis of assessments by parents of schoolchildren studying at schools of different types and organizational and legal forms. Involvement is seen as participation of parents in a child's school life, exerting the influence on the accessibility of services and educational outcomes. The conclusion is drawn that the barriers to accessibility of basic and supplementary programs are not significant and have been lowering. However the accessibility of high-level programs and quality of supplementary educational programs for children differ depending upon the socio-economic status of the families and the territory of residence. The outcomes of the research show that parents began to approach the choice of the school more consciously, but most parents are not sufficiently involved in school life. Parents’ strategies in respect of choosing a school and participating in school life vary depending upon the socio-economic and cultural level of the family, type of school and school location, educational achievements of schoolchildren

 # 18 (117), 2017 Actual strategies of parents’ behavior on the market of supplementary education services (Full text in Russian (.pdf))


1.     Choice of supplementary education programmes
2.     Cooperation of supplementary education institutions with students’ families
3.     Territorial accessibility of supplementary education services
4.     Effectiveness of educational programmes implemented by supplementary education institutions
5.     Conclusion
Parents’ attitude to implemented or planned changes and innovations


The information bulletin ‘Actual strategies of the parents’ behavior on the market of supplementary education services’ continues the publications’ series of the Higher School of Economics on the results of monitoring of education markets and organizations. The outcomes of the survey of parents whose children attend supplementary education institutions are analyzed. The analysis is focused on the strategies of parents in cooperation with supplementary education institutions: choice of supplementary education services, assessment of the effectiveness of supplementary education programmes, attitude to changes in the sphere of supplementary education. The research is based on the results of the sociological survey in the framework of monitoring of education markets and organizations conducted in 2016 by the National Research University Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Yuri Levada Analytical Center ‘Levada-Center’* with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

 # 17 (116), 2017 Staffing problem at kindergartens in Russia (based on the data of the quality survey) (FULL TEXT IN RUSSIAN (.PDF)) 
Authors: I. Abankina, E. Rylko


1.     General characteristics of educators at preschool education institutions: level of financial situation, age and work experience

2.     Assessment of the financial situation and work load of kindergarten educators
        2.1.           Assessment of the financial situation of kindergarten educators by kindergarten heads and representatives of educational authorities
        2.2.           Assessment of the work load of kindergarten educators by kindergarten heads and representatives of educational authorities

3.     Personnel shortage and heads of preschool education institutions. Do the heads believe that they have got problems?


This bulletin presents the outcomes of analyzing a series of in-depth interviews with heads of preschool education institutions and representatives of educational authorities. The key topic of this issue is the staffing of preschool education institutions. In the first part the analysis of the financial situation of the preschool education institutions’ staff, characteristics of their age and qualification level are presented.  In the second part, based on in-depth interviews, it is shown how heads of preschool education institutions and representatives of educational authorities assess the current situation, how the work load of educators of preschool education institutions is distributed and how the work load and salary changed over the past three years


# 16 (115), 2017 Directors of institutions of supplementary education for children: professional attitudes and strategies (Full text in Russian (.pdf))
Authors: М. Goshin S. KOSARETSKY

-  Empirical basis of the research

-  Sociological image of a head of an institution of supplementary education
-  Managerial priorities of heads of institutions of supplementary educationMain problems influencing the quality of educational services provided
-  Assessment of the competitive situation on the market of services of supplementary education for children



The bulletin ‘Directors of institutions of supplementary education for children: professional attitudes and strategies’ continues a series of HSE publications on the results of monitoring of education markets and organizations. The bulletin presents the characteristics of the managerial body of institutions of supplementary education for children and priorities in the activities of  heads of institutions, their assessment of the situation in the field of the personnel and resource provision of institutions’ activities, competition on the market of services of supplementary education. Differences in the managerial attitudes and conditions of work of heads of institutions with different forms of property (state, municipal, private) and departmental affiliation (education, culture, sports) are noted. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of an effective contract with teachers of supplementary education for children (real and ideal salary level, salary dynamics, motivation policy, etc.). The source of data for the analysis were results of the survey of heads of institutions of supplementary education for children conducted in 2016 by the National Research University Higher School of Economics jointly with the Yuri Levada Analytical Center ‘Levada-Center’ with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


# 15 (114), 2017 Teachers and students of vocational education institutions: labour and educational strategies (Full text in Russian (.pdf))
Authors: P.Travkin, V.Rudakov


1.  Educational and labour practices of students at vocational education institutions
    1.1.Training of students at vocational education institutions
    1.2.  Labour activity of students at vocational education institutions
    1.3.  Education costs
    1.4.  Previous education
    1.5.  Further plans and characteristics of the family

2.  Teachers at vocational education institutions, their educational and career strategies
    2.1.  Change of characteristics of teachers’ employment at the main and additional work
    2.2.  Further plans of teachers at vocational education institutions



Monitoring of education markets and organizations conducted annually since 2002 contains information on educational strategies of students of vocational education institutions and activities of teachers engaged in secondary vocational education programmes. In the course of the survey there were obtained data reflecting the changes in the formation of educational and career strategies of students studying at secondary vocational education programmes: plans to continue education and willingness to pay for studies at a higher education institution, analysis of combining studies with the current work and plans concerning further employment. The results in different directions of activity of teachers at vocational education institutions – conditions of teachers’ work, state of the laboratory base and production equipment, assessment of teachers’ opinion concerning the effectiveness of training graduates of vocational education institutions – were obtained


# 14 (113), 2017 How do the conditions of work and the professional well-being of teachers change? (Full text in Russian (.pdf)) 
Authors: M.Pinskaya, N. Evstigneyeva, N. Bysik, S. Kosaretskiy, R. Zvyagintsev
(Full text in Russian (.pdf))


    1.Empirical base
    2.  Teachers’ satisfaction with work
    3.  Teachers’ salary
    4.  Incentive payments and allowances
    5.  Changes in teachers’ activities





The information bulletin presents data on the changes regarding the conditions of work and professional well-being of teachers that were obtained in the survey of teachers in the recent years. The work continues studies conducted in 2014-2015 which analyzed the professional well-being of young teachers and the changes in the work resulting from the introduction of an effective contract. In this bulletin, the authors focused their attention on two of the most relevant topics of the day: teachers' satisfaction with work, as well as their attitude towards changes in their professional activities. This study continued the series of research in monitoring education markets and organizations conducted by the National Research University Higher School of Economics at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


# 13 (112), 2017 Motivation, behavior and strategies of parents of pupils of education institutions implementing preschool education programmes on the preschool education market (Full text in Russian (.pdf)) 
Authors: I. Abankina, N. Rodina, L.Filatova


1.     Socio-cultural and material level of a family as a  motivational component of parents in the child’s development
1.1. Age structure of preschoolers

1.2. Composition of the child’s family, education and occupation of parents

1.3. Financial and material security of families

2.     Directions of institutions’ development after the introduction of the Federal state educational standard in preschool education

2.1. Development of new educational programmes

2.2. Quality of the educational environment

2.3. Catering and quality of meals for children

3.     Formation of extrabudgetary sources of financing in preschool education: parents’ spending

3.1. Parental fees for baby and child care and reimbursement of a part of parents’ spending

3.2. Average annual cost of kindergarten fees

3.3. Family spending on supplementary classes for a child

4.     Modern requirements of parents to ensure the availability of preschool education

4.1. Parents' demand for organizing an electronic queue

4.2. Parents’ preferences in choosing a kindergarten

4.3. Tasks and performance indicators of preschool organizations

4.4. Pedestrian and transport accessibility of preschool education institutions


Based on the results of the survey of preschoolers’ parents various aspects of interaction of families and the preschool education system were studied in order to improve the accessibility of preschool education, the organization of the educational process and the households’ spending. Using the primary consumer assessment the main changes in improving the performance of preschool institutions based on new educational standards were analyzed. The impact of the motivational components of the participants in the educational process on the formation of a material-object and developing environment was investigated. The development of partnership of preschool institutions with parents, the organization of a constructive dialogue in the interests of children, preservation and promotion of their health were considered. This research is the result of a survey of teachers and parents of pupils of education institutions implementing preschool education programmes conducted in 2016 in the framework of monitoring education markets and organizations by the National Research University Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Yuri Levada Analytical Center ‘Levada-Center’ with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


# 12 (111), 2017 Motivation, behavior and strategies of educators of education institutions implementing preschool education programmes on the preschool education market (Full text in Russian (.pdf))


1.     Qualification and material level of educators of preschool institutions

1.1. Qualification and official structure of educators’ staff

1.2. Material level of educators

2.     Terms and outcomes of educators’ activities

2.1. Working conditions in the group

2.2. Classes with children

2.3. Work format and kinds of activities

2.4.  Job satisfaction

3.     Institutions’ development: main changes

3.1. Assessment of institutions’ development after the implementation of the federal state educational standard for preschool education

3.2. Strategy of partnership of preschool institutions with parents

4.     Salary at preschool education institutions

4.1. Educators’ salary

4.2. Calculation of incentive payments



The bulletin presents the results of the survey of educators of education institutions implementing preschool education programmes concerning the impact of the motivational component of the personnel policy aimed at providing quality preschool education that meets modern requirements and challenges of the time. A substantive assessment is given on employment issues and working conditions, time budget, income level and salary of educators. The main changes as a result of the introduction of new federal state educational standards in preschool education are analyzed. A special attention is paid to the partnership strategy of preschool institutions with parents aimed at the competent organization of a constructive dialogue in the interests of children, their development, preservation and promotion of health.

The particular attention in this research was paid to comparing state (municipal) preschool education institutions with private kindergartens in different types of localities and federal districts. This research is the result of a survey of teachers and parents of pupils of education institutions implementing preschool education programmes conducted in 2016 in the framework of monitoring education markets and organizations by the National Research University Higher School of Economics in cooperation with the Yuri Levada Analytical Center ‘Levada-Center’ with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.



# 11 (110), 2017 Teachers and students of vocational education institutions: mass professions and specialities (Full text in Russian (.pdf)) Authors: P. Travkin, F. Dudyrev, О. Romanova


1. Practice-oriented students’ training in mass professions at vocational education institutions
1.1. New educational standards and programmes of secondary vocational education according to students of vocational education institutions
1.2. Further plans of students at vocational education institutions

1.3. Future employment and work practice
1.4. Entrepreneurial plans of students of vocational education institutions

2. Conditions and effectiveness of labour of teachers who teach in mass professions at vocational education institutions

2.1. Implementation of the Federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education and improvement of quality of training workers and mid-career professionals

2.2. Organization of methodical work of teachers at vocational education institutions

2.3. Resource base of vocational education institutions and teachers’ qualification improvement

2.4. Cooperation of vocational education institutions and employers

2.5. Skills and level of graduates of vocational education institutions

2.6. Salary and secondary employment of teachers at vocational education institutions



The study is based on the data of the 2016 sociological survey of students and teachers in mass directions of training in secondary vocational education programmes. In the course of the survey there were obtained results describing the motivations and plans of students of vocational education institutions studying in mass professions and specialities. Main directions of both further educational and career trajectories were defined. It was found out that a very high proportion of students and their families are willing to pay for a high-quality education if they decide to continue education. At the same time students studying at vocational education institutions show a high interest in self-employment and starting their own business. It was revealed how federal educational standards that had come into effect recently influenced the students’ training at vocational education institutions. Ensuring the practice-oriented character of training in the system of secondary vocational education begins to equate the system of competitions Worldskills that sets world-class requirements for participants. Among the issues considered particular attention is paid to the implementation of new Federal state educational standards at education institutions, as well as to the attitude and assessment of those regulatory documents by the pedagogical community.In addition, the work includes the consideration of the importance and usefulness of the new phenomenon in the life of the professional education of the Russian Federation - the Worldskillsmovement.Along with the analyzing the recent respondents' answers, the report draws parallels with the data of the survey of teachers of secondary vocational education institutions of previous years. It was revealed that, according to the teachers themselves, approximately every third vocational education institution teaching in the areas of mass professions / specializations participated in the dual training system. At the same time, every fifth teacher does not have information about what this system is. It was stated that almost all teachers of vocational education institutions who were teaching students in mass professions / qualifications in the last three years had participated in different forms of additional training: qualification improvement, probation or professional re-training. The vast majority of teachers additionally improved or acquired new professional skills and competences




* Решением Минюста РФ Левада-Центр включён в реестр некоммерческих организаций, выполняющих функции иностранного агента.


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