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Publications 2016


Information Bulletin "Change of households’ expenditure on preschool education, supervision and care" 2016 № 3 (92)

Author: I. Abankina, Ya. Kozmina, E. Sivak 

The Federal Law “On education in the Russian Federation” provides that preschool education is separate from services of supervision and care. Preschool education is free-for-all and free of charge while the services of supervision and care are to be paid for by households.

Information Bulletin "Principal of a school in the changing environment: challenges and management strategies" 2016 № 2 (91)

Author: N. Bysik, N. Yevstigneeva,  N. Kozina, S. Kosaretskiy, M. Pinskaya 

In 2014 the National Research University – Higher School of Economics jointly with the Levada Analytical Center * continued the series of sociological surveys of heads of secondary general education schools in the framework of monitoring of education markets and organizations conducted by the Higher School of Economics since 2002.

Information Bulletin "Conditions of work and professional well-being of teachers in the situation of introducing an effective contract" 2016 № 1 (90)

Author: N. Kozina, S. Kosaretskiy, M.Pinskaya 

In 2014 the National Research University – Higher School of Economics jointly with the Levada Analytical Center continued the series of sociological surveys of teachers of secondary general education schools in the framework of monitoring of education markets and organizations conducted by the Higher School of Economics since 2002

* Решением Минюста РФ Левада-Центр включён в реестр некоммерческих организаций, выполняющих функции иностранного агента.


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