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Illustration for news: Children's Adaptation to Online Learning Depends on the Nature of Their Parents’ Work

Children's Adaptation to Online Learning Depends on the Nature of Their Parents’ Work

Specialists at the HSE Institute of Education found that the willingness of children to work independently at home during distance learning depended not only on the availability of appropriate technical means in the family (its socio-economic profile), but also on the nature of their parents’ work (a socio-psychological factor).

Illustration for news: Survey Shows Russian University Teachers Have Overcome Fears of Digitalization

Survey Shows Russian University Teachers Have Overcome Fears of Digitalization

The majority of Russian university teachers were prepared for the emergency and online teaching during the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown period. However, they consider remote teaching more time-consuming and less convenient than face-to-face instruction. This is evidenced by a recent survey of the HSE Centre for Institutional Research.

Illustration for news: Impact of Education Quality Research on Policy Is Not as Significant as You Might Think

Impact of Education Quality Research on Policy Is Not as Significant as You Might Think

At a seminar held at HSE as part of the Days of the International Academy of Education in Moscow, Professor Gustavo E. Fishman (University of Arizona) likened international comparative studies of education quality to horse racing and discussed how these studies do not have as significant an impact on educational policy as is commonly believed.

Illustration for news: International Education Experts Gather in Moscow

International Education Experts Gather in Moscow

On May 20, the Days of the International Academy of Education commenced at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow. Experts from all over the world engaged in identifying global education policy trends will hold a series of meetings, master classes, seminars and open lectures. They will share their experience with Russian researchers, instructors and education policy makers over the course of three days.